Saturday, November 12, 2011

Can i sue for my airbags not deploying?

I wrecked my 2001 Chevrolet Tahoe yesterday by rear ending someone with no brake lights or blinkers going approximately 50-55 mph (she was completely stopped to make a turn on a two lane highway, i never got the chance to hit the brakes.) Both vehicles were totaled and both had substantial damage, however my airbags didn't deploy. Considering the large amount of damage in the front end of my vehicle and the speed i was traveling i am not satisfied that the airbags didn't deploy and feel very fortunate that i managed to keep my head from hitting the steering wheel. This vehicle was purchased off the lot by my family in 2001 and has been in our ownership since, with this being the only wreck. Can i sue chevrolet for the improper airbags?

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