Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Why did Gandhi have his views on False Christianity as opposed to a true christian ?

The Christianity to which Gandhi was exposed was usually the empty and formal mockery of True Christianity common to colonial empires. The same emptiness was seen in the Spanish conquests of the Americas in the Name of Christ which was in reality theft of resources and the enslavement of the indigenous peoples in order to enrich their nations and themselves. Christianity was supposed to be spread by preaching the liberating Gospel of Christ.

Reading the Qu'ran in Ramadan?

In ranadan it is good to recite each chapter of the Qu'ran everyday. So what if one of the days you're busy and you want to read chapter 30 because it's more easier for you. Is that ok to do?

Is this too controversial for teenage/young adult audience and would you read it?

It's certainly not too controversial. When "The Catcher in the Rye" came out, all of the adults FLIPPED cause they didn't think teenagers were supposed to think and act like Holden Caulfield thought and acted... but they did! Now it's one of the most important works of American literature. The fact that the women in your story are s doesn't matter. "Running With Scissors" and "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" both featured gay main characters, and they were huge throughout both teen and adult audiences alike. The specific genre of your story (aka asins with romance, for lack of better terms lol) doesn't necessarily interest me, but that doesn't mean you can't write a good book of that genre. Don't worry about the controversy. The world would have remained the same forever without a little controversy! I'm of the opinion that the whole point of literature is to push ons. That's what all the great books of the years have ever done. Orwell and Twain certainly weren't accepted by everybody, I can tell you that right now.

If a mouse pointer hovers over any of he links have the browser underline the link text?

That's simple. Just make the link , the rest is something you don't need to worry about:

My sixteenth is in October - anyone know of any decent places to go?

I'm hoping to go to a caravan for a weekend with like 8 people, i'm from plymouth, so cornwall's probably the best place. it will be like a party/gathering thing. but i hear there's age restrictions? thoughts, ideas, etc please! :)

How long are the cords for an lcd tv normally?

I'm doing a wall mount but don't have the tv yet as i am going to buy the tv after i have everything needed for installation. I need to know if the cords are at least 5'. I'm mounting above the fireplace and there is no outlet near there and I could get a surge protector as close as 4-5ft(without it being out in the open).

How do you smoke Ciggarets?

It's like learning to ride a bicylce -- you just have to practice. The discomfort goes away when you get the hang of it. The trick is to hold the smoke in your mouth briefly before inhaling, then mix it with air as you inhale: take into your mouth, remove cigarette from your lips, pause briefly, inhale smoke and new air. Your body will figure it out.

Walter Murphy?

Is the Walter Murphy Orchestra ("Disco Bells") synonymous with Walter Murphy & the Big Apple Band ("A Fifth of Beethoven") or are they two different bands ?

Question About Weddings?

I know that the original point of a groomsmen is to guard the groom and bride in case of unwanted visitors during the wedding and wedding night ;D essentially the same for the bridesmaids. some things though just don't make sense and i can understand how you feel, i would feel the same way too! have you talked to your wife about it yet?

Does it prove that this person is the real demi lovato?

I don't think its the really demi cause mostof the questions were not answered which she would know the answer to even if she really was sick! SO whoever he or she is they're a phony!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There was a christian song that used a Bach piece as its intro..?

sung by Amy Grant, recorded back in the 80's.... Intro was in Em... but it wasnt prelude in Em.... any clue??

Fantasy baseball trade...Baseball Bogeys Backlash?

The first trade is an absolute great trade for you cordero is on a garbage team he wont do that great and chone figgins is a good fantasy guy with solid numbers. The 2nd trade i think you do but be cautious on this one because uggla is a good player with rbis runs and homeruns, but vasquez i think is a risk Plus Dontrelle on detroit could be scary and if you can substitute another pitcher for him then you do it.

One more day til period. Suppose to start 4/19.anyone else?

Im waiting to and i Just wanted to wish you the very best of luck hope you are pregnant Good Luck :D

Will Vanessa Play In hsm 3????

I heard she posed for a mag but what mag was it and when did this happen i hate her anyway but will a cheetah girl be playing her?thats what i heard!My Bff's cousin is adrian bailon i dont know how to spell her name sorry but anyways plz answer!

Just why is it do difficult to admit that some "immigrants" are more desirable than are others?

You are correct. This is the direction many nations are taking. Immigrants are increasingly being selected (Australia/Canada/New Zealand/UK/etc...) based on education, skills, age, health, ability to adapt to their new country, etc...

How comfortable would YOU be asking your parents for money?

I'm not comfortable at all, I've been working since I've been 13 years old. I even paid for my clothes, lunches, books. etc. in High School. My parents have always been strict and never given me any hand outs. I've asked to borrow money until I got my pay check and they've always lectured me about paying it right back to them...which I always did. I haven't ask that out of them since I was in my early 20's though. My parent don't give me anything. Not even for my birthday or Christmas. So yeah, I don't feel comfortable at all asking them for money.



Have you ever watched the Dennis the Menace movie?

The one with Walter Matthau. I saw it last night. Oh it's been many years since I've seen that. It was nice to see it agian. :)

Anyone good with writing conventions?

You know, I have spent a lot of time writing papers in my day, and I have found that if you make some effort to identify things, that it doesn't really matter so much how you do it. Anyways that probably doesn't help much, but I suggest that you put the artists name after the song to let it be clear that that is the song title: Spin Like a DJ by (blank), blasted out of my cell....

Why is she such a tart!?

i think that she is the type that is desperate for attention from the one person she can no longer have. be happy that your guy is very desirable. anytime you see this girl prancing around for attention just remember that the guy is with you and there is nothing she can do about it.

How do I tell my parents I think I'm suffering from depression?

Lately I've noticed strong signs of depression in myself. My father suffers from depression, and takes medication for it. And I've heard that it is hereditary. I'm afraid that they won't do anything about it because I'm always telling them that I have one medical thing wrong, or another because I have a symptom. Besides the fact that money is tight, so going to a therapist, and having to take medication would be too much of a burden on my family. I don't know what to do, but I know it needs to be treated. Please let me know what you think, and what you think I should say.

Monday, November 14, 2011

!Poems! Someone please help me?

A stanza is one section of a poem, a group of lines separated by a space from the group of lines before it or after it. (Technically, the sections of a poem are called stanzas only if all the sections match each other, if each of them has the same number of lines and uses the same pattern of meter and rhyme. If the sections don't match, they're called strophes. But lots of people ignore that distinction and use "stanza" for any distinct section of a poem.) So look at the poem on the page and see how often the poet uses a space to divide it into separate sections.

Consumption of salt in the UK?

If consuming salt is bad for your health, then why is it that processed food in the UK is much higher in salt than other European countries. Even the same brand of food is lower in salt in Spain than the UK. Would I be cynical in saying it has to do with competition and profit above the nations health.

What is OTHER GOSPEL,FALSE DOCTRINE WHICH YOU HEARD till date,the work of devil,work of antichrist? WATCH OUT!?

I believe every christian should read "fast facts on false teachings" it breaks down all false religions and teachings ....atheist, mormon, catholic, islam, buddhist, yoga, shriners (free masons), jehovah witnesses, evolution, spiritualism, different occults .... And so on a must read! Check ur local christian book store,

Can anyone please tell me what does an girl who is a hooker dress like and what age are most of them are?

I'm just curious and this is out of curiousity because I have never know what a hooker dress like and what age are they. I don't know what they dress like and what age are most of them are because I chose not to mess with them because I don't want Aids and I rather marry a girl who is a virgin and be with her instead of messing with a hooker. But a lot of people think I'm gay because I don't know what hookers dress like. So, Can anybody please tell me what does hookers wear ?? I mean please give me details of what shoes do they wear and do they wear dresses or skirts or pants and stuff like that ?? Also, what age are most hookers turn out to be ??? Are there any hooker girls that are in their early 20s or late 20s ?? Remember, This question is out of my curiosity and this is a serious question ???

Bearded Dragon OR Albino Alligator?

Go bearded dragon man they are way easier to care for. The albino gator which would prob make a great pet is a lot of work to properly care for being albino reptiles are if not all then mostly born blind or with terrible sight so feeding will sometimes be an issue.Also due to it being an albino the amount of uv exposure needs to be just right to much can easily kill ( over exposure) to little can also kill but if you go for the gator really watch the uv lighting you choose.But i doubt you are getting a gator and this is prob just a question of your curiosity or bordem

Its a problem of Excel , i will be glad if anyone can solve this.?

I want to sort ascending to descending. I have eight columns and i want to sort by the columns name "Total" which is last column, now the problem is this that a data for each No. is in four rows and i want when i sort with Column"Total", all rows of that particular No. move with it toghether. i tried but it moves only that row where the total is written and letf the other three rows. now i want when i sort all the rows move with that "total column" if anyone want he can chat with me on my yahoo id.

Reviews about avrils goodbye lullaby?...how is it?

I personally thought the cd was not that good, she's not that talented and I hate her style and the way she looks, ouch, I guess I'm not a fan, hahaha!

If Socialism (or its many variations) doesn't work, how do you explain these historical instances?

We're more successful than France any way you slice it. Unless you count leftist logic which says America sucks because we don't have government run health care.

I have just bought a 280 quid coat i thought it was suede?

thats what it looks like if i go out in the rain will it damage the coat on the inside of the coat it says genuine leather is it brushed suede or leather

R&P... *SCENARIO QUESTION* If you owned a Hard Rock Cafe...?

I would call it The Alternative Rock Cafe and would be all about alt and indie rock. We would have a bunch of hipsters bumming around, discussing liberal politics and we'd serve weed tacos and coffee. We'd definitely have to have a hookah bar. We'd also have one of the screw drivers used by Sonic Youth hanging on the wall for sure.

Would you do this basketball trade?

I was offered Elton Brand, Brandon Roy and Jason Richardson for Kobe and Charlie Villanueva. What do you think?

Muslim men told to shave beards at work. What about Jewish Rabbis and Sikhs?

All workers have to abide by work and safety rules. Beards are dangerous near certain types of machinery. Heavy duty lathes for example.

Does Poetry have to follow certain grammatical rules?

Does poetry have to adhere to certain grammar and punctuation rules? Or are the rules very relaxed? For example when writing a stanza, I sometimes think if I'm putting commas, colons and full stops in the wrong places.

My man's family needs to back off and stop disrespecting me, how am I wrong for using him for his money?

I don't think what your doing is wrong especially because he is obviously using you too. If you do want to stay in his house though then you'd better bite your tongue when it comes to his family because he could throw you out in a second. Also, while you are there I'd consider saving up money because what happens if he decided he doesn't want you and then you are left with no money and no house or job. Honestly just do what makes you happy but be safe and try to have a back up plan.

I have Copper Sulfate and vinegar, how do I copper plate a quarter?

I have everything I need, the power supply, alligator clips, beaker, Copper Sulfate, vinegar, the quarter, everything. What do I do, I think I mix the Copper Sulfate and the vinegar, and then attach both to the power supply, immerse in the solution, then I make sure they do not touch, turn on the power supply and wait. Is this correct/would you make any adjustments?

Help!? (details inside)?

The past 2 days, the people that I am sort of cool with, but not really friends with, they always tease me about being big or fat or say some stuff about me being fat. So today in school we had an embly. They happened to sit behind me and kept messing around. One kept lightly slaping my neck and the other kept messing with my shirt tag. So going back to cl they was like "LETS GO THEN" wanting to play around so I punched him so hard in the chest and then was like "DONT CRY" and then laughed. Then afterwards, he goes, " I DONT LIKE YOU, YOU HIT ME, GET AWAY!" so then im like "c'mon dont be that soft, I barely touched you". He wasnt playing about what he said. There always talking about me or seem infatuated with me because I wear nice "GEAR". But when someone walks up to them and starts dissin them, they get scared and dont say nothing. THen when the person walks away they talk about them for like 5 mins after lol.

What should i think OF MY UNCLE?? ADVICE PLEASE!!?

Overreaction. Contrary to all the puritanical prudes, it is very normal for older guys to be attracted to younger females, and most wise ones know that it's a look-but-don't-touch scenario. What he did was no more perverted than the girls that posted the videos for the whole world to see. Continue the same relationship that you always had with your uncle.

Are heart palpitations hereditary?

I have been having palpitations or skipped beats about 3 to 4 times a day, noticed them about 2 years ago. most of my aunts and uncles on my dads side have them too. When i get these skipped beats I expierence no symptoms at all, just feel un easy about it and it causes me to go into a panic. Although I have no symptoms, should i be worried about it? And are they hereditary?

HELP PLEASE! mental disorder or normal?

Hi, I'm a 16 year old female. I'm the middle child of 3 daughters and live with both my parents however they fight a lot. When I was 11 my dad left home for the first time but it was only for a week, he leaves a lot but always comes home after a while. The longest time he left was for 3 weeks. However, my father has bought an apartment and plans to move into it after my older sister is dropped off at college (This august). A few years ago when i was 13, I was bullied by a group of girls in my grade, i would be so scared i spent recess hiding and would only leave school until all the girls had left. I would go home and sleep before I had lunch or did anything else I just get into bed and my mum noticed that something was wrong but I don't talk to her about my life (we don’t have such a good relationship) so she only officially found out when the school gave them a worrying phone call. I am now best friends with some of those girls and so there is no reason to remain "depressed" about that. The effect of the bullying should have worn off. For about 4 years now, I’ve had extreme mood swings. I've had days of major depression where i fake being sick to stay in bed and avoid going to school. At social outings I sometime get really upset and leave early without knowing the reason for why I feel so bad. I may burst into tears for no particular reason.There are times where I am extremely irritable and want to do nothing but sit in the dark under the covers. I have a terrible temper and often get into rages, when i get really angry with my siblings i may physically hurt them and my mother always tells me what a difficult child I am. At other times I feel quite normal but it doesn't last long. And sometimes I am over the top happy and nothing can bring me down i feel more sociable than ever, I'm laughing making jokes, singing, having the time of my life that my friends tell me I'm not acting normal and my mother says that if i weren't at home all day she'd say i was on something or drunk. My energy levels would be over the top and I’m probably the happiest most bubbly person alive. I feel like a puppet and no one knows who's pulling the strings. About three years ago I started cutting and ice-burning (ice & salt burns) myself when I got upset or angry but recently the cuts and burns have increased and i do it much more often. I got caught cutting in school once, it was a terrible day i felt so depressed for no reason, i was crying hysterically and had no control over myself. it was one of the worst and most embarring days of my life. At a party once i was dancing with this guy when i suddenly felt so sad i started crying and screaming and felt depressed for the rest of the party. Someone thought that the screaming and sudden crying was because i was wasted and attempted to force me to vomit but i had had only 2 gles and i could walk properly and so i was not even tipsy. Last year at a summer camp I attended someone caught cuts on my arm and I was put into the health center for 4 days until my parents had to take a 12 hour flight to pick me up, I felt as if I was in a mental hospital. I tried to run away from the health center numerous times they even igned someone to “keep an eye on me” yet I managed to run away I was brought back to the health center in a security car and it was scary. They’d call my parents and tell them “your daughter is on the loose on campus” as if I was some nut case. My grades this year have gone down tremendously, they started decreasing about 2 years ago but this year i failed 5 subjects in the first semester and 2 in the second. Even at 16 I still have nightmares that keep me up at night and I have trouble sleeping it takes me hours to fall asleep and i wake up numerous times every night. And i have gained more weight this year than i have ever gained (I’m not overweight , I just gained weight). I was diagnosed with ADD but i think it's not ADD and has something to do with another mental disorder. I don't feel normal and i've lost friends because of my constant extreme mood swings they always tell me i'm either too happy or too sad i have no in-between and sometimes i do feel that way. I've been going to a therapist since february and i don't see myself getting anywhere. She's not the first therapist i've been to, i've been to two others over the past 3 years and nothing is working with me. My mother also tells me i always blow things out of proportion. When i fought with her one time i ran away from home for about 7 hours. My boyfriend cheated on me with a younger girl 3 times i forgave him the first 2 times but the third time i unwillingly let go and i was depressed and lonely for about a month.

I want to REPHRASE or make it sound better and different.?

Unlike, a single institution or an HBCU, where most of the student body is alike in some way, a liberal arts college would expose me to people who are different than me. On the other hand, a large public university, which would also expose me to differences, might be overwhelming. A liberal arts college would be the right mix to broaden my understanding and knowledge, while making me feel supported and known.

What adjectives describe the following characters from the Great Gatsby? Daisy, Nick, Gatsby, Tom, and Jord?

I need 2 superlative descriptive words that are consistent throughout the novel and they need to be extravagant.

What's the new Gwen stefani song called?

I think it's Gwen Stefani, I can't really tell. But it came out like a month or 2 ago, and it's got the craziest beat, can you tell me what it's called?

My ex is a stalker......?

My ex left me for another girl 3 years ago on my birthday. I stopped speaking to him since then. He still makes an effort to call and even stop by my job. but I refuse to talk to him. He recently text me asking how I was- how creepy is that- they are still together, why is he trying to contact me? ( I still wouldn't talk to him) just asking out of curiousity.

Has anyone know about the vegetables with cheese served in a bowl in BRIT's Pub?

I have been to Brit's and there i had vegetables(included peppers and tomatoes) topped with cheese and served in a bowl. My friend ordered the dish but unfortunately i could not remember the dish's name...can anyone tell me wt is it called??thanks

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Can anyone give me advice on skateboarding?

ive been skating for 2 weeks now and ive mastered the ollie,kickflip,im working on the pop-shovit! whats some neat moves that i can learn! and whats ur adive on skateboarding???

Which position is more unreasonable?

Neither. On its own, ignorance is not unreasonable. On the other hand, actively challenging evidence with an unending stream of flimsy lies is mively unreasonable.

Help with what i should get for a tattoo?

i want something like symbolic for like staying strong and standing tall throughout everything that has happened in your life , cause no matter what happens you'll always get through it , i was thinking about a lighthouse in a storm cause no matter what comes at it or anything it always manages to stand tall and get through it , so something like that , i just need some other ideas. thanks in advance.

Problem with sentence (in french..)?

I agree with what Alexis wrote except for the missing "s" at the end of "consid�r�", "salari�" and "possible". It should be: "... pour qu'ils puissent �tre consid�r�s comme salari�s possibles sans qu'il y ait aucun probl�me."

A question on a econ problem?

Suppose a monopolist has the demand function: Q = 1000P^-3. What is the monopolist's optimal markup of price above marginal cost? How do you solve this?

Can you clarify something about the PATRIOT Act?

You don't need to docment anything and you don't need to ask the judicial system, anything... If you have "suspicion" a person is a terrorist or as such, then you can search them/their belongings without a warrant, arrest them without a warrant, keep them as long you want without a warrant and never tell them why they this is all happening to them in the first place... All of this can happen without consulting any judicial system.

Please help me with this situation!?

Well if you really like him put yourself on a limb, take a chance, it maybe love.You'll never know unless you try. Hope I Helped.!

Is the "Leonardo Express" an underground metro train?

and how do I find it when I am at Fiumicino airport? And how do I know if it goes to Termini Station? Where will the sign be? I heard its a 15 minute walk from the airports main entrance to the "Leonardo Express", is that crazy!? Can I take a shuttle to the "Leonardo Express"?

What are the car companys doing?

Not all green cars are expensive. A new Honda Fit is about 15,000, and so is a Nissan Versa. Both are very economical & low emissions. Hybrids are not oging to be cheap anytime soon because of the cost of the batteries. Until a new technology comes out for better/cheaper batteries, they will always be more expensive. If your older car is economical already, just keep it tuned up, tires properly inflated, oil changed frequently, and use crusie control as much as you can.

How could the apostles of Christ write the sciptures hundred of years after they died?

Yes, there were no contemporary accounts of the life of Jesus. People started writing about him around 200 years after his death. How could the apostles of Christ write about him if they were dead at the time? Yeah and is science flawed? Here we are believing that the earth has been around for millions of years and according to the bible it is only 6,000 years old? Hey, this proves it all guys. Lets get rid of science and replace it with your profoundly ignorant views and brainwash our children into believing in it. To set the record straight, I do believe in God and the God I believe in does not share the same sinfull characteristics that your God does which includes genocide, biggotry, hipocrosy, hatred, along with all other sins that have been attributed towards mankind. The christian God sounds just like a human being with an evil nature who shares the same imperfect characteristics that just happens to be GOD ALLMIGHTY!!

Does smoking cannabis and cigerettes cause Bronchitis?

i cough up mucus. my stomach hurt but it gets sore when i do pushups and situps. but it usually goes a away in a day. but i think the coughing made it worse.

What do you think of this winter boot?

it looks nice,if they are real UGG boots,this price is really good,even it is fake,if the quality is acceptable,the price is not bad.or maybe you can look at other sites,compare befor you buy.

Hmmmm....... ????

Me and my boyfriend have been together for two years. We want to try something new and adventurous in the bedroom. He suggested but Im not too sure. What are the pros and cons of ? What type of positions could we try? Have you ever tried it? Was it worth it?

Room redecorating advice!?

For belle you could go with a library type room with lots of bookshelves and books. Yellow is always a good colour for belle. For ariel you could have an aqua comforter and maybe an aquarium with blue on the walls. If you go with ariel make sure to do different shades of blue. Jasmine is probably the hardest. You could go with an arabian theme. purple is always a good colour for jasmine but may clash with the the arabian theme. Whatever you do depends on your style and budget. Hope this helps!

Christians-What if your unborn child was the antichrist?

Good question! I guess as Christians we would be expected to have the child and let the scriptures be fulfilled. But, dang just the thought of being in that position really sucks.

Macbeth on trial. Prosectued?

how to write a introduction pleading that Macbeth is guilty of killing king duncan and should be charged with regicide and prosectued.

Australia has some very strange/funny place names?

I think they're interesting names, I mean at least they came up with original names instead of just naming everything after places in England like they've done in Canada and the USA.

HELP! Ideas for valintine cards!?

Last year I gave out Dora ones :) Get a little kid valentine, the type that would be funny to give to your friends, but still good for little kids too!

Would you hang a picture (If you had one) over your fireplace (if you had one) - or would you hang it..?

When we lived in a couple places with fireplaces, one we hung an large acid etched mirror, the other had wreaths that matched the different seasons. Now we don't have a fireplace. We are not into hanging to much on the walls either because it can make the rooms look smaller. I have a collection of family pictures in small frames that sits on the top of my desk with a small sign that reads My Rouges Gallery.

What players from the pittsburgh steelers are out this week?

Actually, Roethlisberger is starting sundays game. Parker is most likely playing on sunday also. Heath Miller is missing sundays game along with Townsend and Mcfadden.

Is it true that in the UK, a speeding ticket in your first year of holding a license can lose you your license?

I've only been driving a few days and still getting used to what limits are where in my area. I was traveling down a 40mph road for a while which I didn't notice turned into a 30mph road after a roundabout. I'm 99% sure I didn't get caught on the speed camera, but my friend has warned me to be wary of the post for the next few days, to make sure I don't get my license terminated! Is this true?

Have you ever left a job because you felt undermined, slighted or ped over for promotion?

Yes, about 15 years ago. I went to a new job where the office was forming from the ground up, so to speak. No one knew anyone when we were hired. It was a challenge, and I loved it. I felt so revived after the year of hell preceding it. My previous job was hampered by many family members working in the same office--what a freaking nightmare. I will NOT work in that situation again.

A mole came off and it hurts?

im a 15 yr old girl. a few months ago i had a mole on my side but up where my bra is. my bra had rubbed it so much and half of it was off. i didnt know it was a mole at the time because i didnt look at it. i thought it was a scab so i scratched it off. and it bled some. but then i realized it was a mole. now i just went to look at it. it now looks like a freckle. its flat and brown but it looks a little bloody. like it has some reddish to it. it only hurts when i press on it hard and its not a big pain. should i get it checked? it hasnt grown in size and its not oddly shaped.

This is about benoit. I have no idea if he is guilty or not.?

We will have to wait for toxicology results on Benoit to see if steroids played a role in this aka roid rage. It's so hard to believe that he did this but right now, it is looking that he did in fact do this. It's awful!

AIM screename creative advice?

Hi my name is emily and thanks for trying to answer my question... i really need a new sn and i cant think of anything. BTW i have blue eyes, I LOVE the twilight series, and people call me EMLAY. my friend suggested the sn of "heyheyemlay" but i think i can do better. If you need anymore info please ask!!!!

How would you answer this question?

The actual question that is being asked is unclear and also it seems to be asking for an opinion not an answer based on facts which is a violation. It is a question that is best to just move on from.This is asking for a discussion not an answer. Not a question most responsible users would answer. It could be better phrased to make it a legitimate question.

Is 200.00 a good price 4 a 1986 astro van?

this guy is selling it 4 200.00, it need the trans fixed or rebiult, and needs batterie, fair condition, is it worth 200.00?

Favorite band with a female vocalist?

Lacuna Coil, Flyleaf, Heart, Joan Jett and the BlackHearts, Blondie and the Runaways (oh and Girlschool!!!)

Who likes my new avatar?

Depends if the crowd get behind him. I think there could also be something happening behind the scenes. Shawn often flat out refused to drop the title to Bret Hart (And Vince screwed Bret wtf???) so maybe they don't want him to have it back for a while until Vince is sure he will conform?

My husband is having affair with his staff,ilove him but the lady is very cheap and mean?

she is taking disadvantage of my husband s health iwant my husband back to me she is staying at mira road and wannts to come by aouto from my husbands money and even if i hate her she comes at home also what should i do to make her to go from our life

Random question/ what would you do?!!!!!! joke/riddle?

pretend ur on a deserted island and there is a atom bomb coming towards your head and a crocodile coming towards you and all you have is a tooth pick what would you do?

Doesn't Tama Iti have a y backside?

Unfortunately Tame and a few handfuls of Maori seem to be bringing the whole Maori race into disrespect

Neutering my 4yr old male dalmation?

Will it be painfull for him for a few days after hes neutered? What special care do i have to take immediately after hes been neutered? And In how much time will he get back to his normal routine ?

Hershey's Kiss enlargement?

mmmmmm... sounds good. I would find a big block of chocolate and carve it with a er knife. Of course, you would have to be good at carving...but hey, you get to eat all the extra chocolate!!

Any other Evangelion fans sick of having to defend it all the time?

what is evangelion? is that anime? anime is a poor substitute for a woman, you should disable your WoW account and leave your mother's house more often...

Need some help on infidelity?

My husband and I are separated but working on reconciling. I am positive he slept with a bar tramp a week or so ago. He suddenly is fully commited to me, he says, wants me to visit him as often as possiable, yet he mentioned this women several times during my last visit. Why would he sleep with someone and then tell me he wants to spend the rest of his life with me, also tell me he loves me more then I could imagine.....then again he also said this before sleeping with her. We have been married a long time so I hate to walk away if he is truly in love with me but, given what he did how do I know this.

What's your favorite page with imagery?

Favorite page with imagery -- from a poem or short story or novel. I'm doing research and was just wondering what other people think is good.

How do you treat male menopause?

My husband is grumpy, irritable, moody, changes his mind about vacations, and even cant decide what he wants for dinner. He has no drive anymore, is not motivated. He doesnt get things done around the house like he use too. He is always feeling sorry for himself, and now he even dislikes his current job. He is 57 years old. He doesnt want to go out with our friends anymore, hes just too tired or not in the mood. He is upset about the weight he gained, and is loosing his hair which has him upset too. He may be loosing his hair, but Im loosing my mind! How do I cope with all of this? Im on hormone replacement myself, and it has been wonderful. What can he do, and how do I handle all of this?

Why is my body changing like this?

ever since the start of college my body and mind changed to a girls. i am a guy 19 5'11 and 145ish pounds too. my body seems to be changing into a girls and i think it has to do with hormones but im way to scared to see a doctor. my , hips, and thighs have gotten big and soft and recently so is my chest is starting even my girlfriend noticed my new feminine frame. there is no weight gain anywhere else on my body and i havent gained a lot of weight, but my skin is much softer and even the structure of my face is more feminine. everytime i look for a reason why all i get is a bunch or tranual stuff that im scared to read. wearing slim jeans, im not even a guy from the backside anymore and i feel like the only thing keeping me as a man is my . i was even mistaken for a girl the other day and i even get really emotional like a girl. IM AM NOT A TROLL and im sure its a hormone problem, but can some1 help me without telling me to go to a doctor please because part of me has accepted it and likes it, i feel like its a disease taking over

USA is one of the largest oil producer in world?

Why does the oil companys raise there price for us as soon as they buy it. The gas your buying now was bought months ago for less. Why do they sell there oil and buy overseas if not for the profit, there ping on the cost to us for that oil they buy but nothing from sales.

To Buy or Not to Buy...A Car (or to fix the one we have)?

i would sell. even for another neon if you like the car...maybe a 2001 or 2002. The smell and the smoke means you have oil buring in one or more cylinders. This car (with that amount of miles) is most likely worth only 2-3K. the work you will need to put into it will cost atleast $1000. You may need a new rebuilt engine. I would cut my differences and get something newer.


YOUR dog, YOUR decision. Normal people name their pups once they get to know their personalities. The dog's name is something that YOU have to live with for the lifetime of the dog., so why ask a bunch of strangers?

Was Fergie punishing Rooney or doing him a favour by dropping him at Everton?

well to be honest rooney's in a bit of a rough patch. first, his personal life is in shambles. he's obviously under pressure from everyone to score and regain the form he was on last season and it might just be overwhelming. people forget he's still young and and not yet fully mature. england fans seem to think he's the one to save them in their time of need and they are perhaps too demanding. fergie knows this so he dropped him for a match, perhaps so rooney could get himself together.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Why do women always say "much?" after a word?

Haha i think it is supposed to be cute and clever. I don't talk like that though instead of much i say like alot. It does get annoying but i think some just say it to be smart and to kinda like question a person.

Gaara Lovers? Do you think this song reminds you of him...?

hmm... sort of. but the song "darker side of me" describes him better. and i feel bad for gaara. i think that the problem is that he hates everyone because everyone is afraid of him.

Would the Mafia protect this family?

So i was watching American Me. If you have watched it. It's about Rudy Cadena the guy that started the Mafia. And how it grew and grew. And i was talking to my teacher and he said he's friends dad used to be friends with the brothers and sisters of Rudy Cadena. And how they are still alive and stuff. And i was wondering. Could the Mafia hurt them or protect them. I mean there family started it all. And would they have alot of money. Thanks you.


I put some raw milenesa (thin steak) out to thaw last night so i could season it with spices and lemon and refridgerate it overnight but i fell asleep. its was 65 degrees in my house last night, can i still cook it? and is it safe to eat?

What are your thoughts on this??

After I'd read an article this AM, my immediate response was, Spaniards pull the fast gun, for they have been riding high on sports mania after having won the Euro soccer, and Nadal's Wimbledon victory. For my curiosity, I'd discovered no asteroid named after a tennis player. Mostly astronomers, academicians, poets... There was a Russian ice dancer, remotely a sports person ? I'm not against an astroid named after a tennis player or football player. There are plenty more worthy tennis players present or past to have an asteroid named after, Rod Lever ( past ), Ivan Lendl, Borg, Connors, McEnroe, Agi,Sampras, Federer, Margaret Court, Billie Jean King, Chris Evert, Graf, Seles, Navratilova...Nadal comes after all of his predecers. He is a promising young player, but definitely NOT WORTHY. I don't care how the International Astronomists vote for this process. They have to do some more reaserch before they cast their votes. By the way, I've been a Nadal fan for 4 years. If I were him, I'd have declined the honor citing that there are worthier players to accept the honor. But who am I to suggest it ?

How to prepare 40% sulfuric acid solution?

Do you mean 40 % w/v, or 40 %v/v? The first means that you have 40 g of H2SO4 per 100ml of solution, while the second means that you have 40 ml of H2SO4 in 100 ml of solution. The concentrations of H2SO4 will be different, because 1ml H2SO4 doesn't weigh 1g.

Volkswagon Jetta radiator change?

Is changing the radiator on a 2007 Volkswagon Jetta anymore difficult than changing the radiator on an American automobile? I have changed the radiator on a Jeep Wrangler before, and it was a pretty straightforward process. Is the process of changing a radiator on a volkswagon similar to this?

What's the difference between "Paranormal" and "Supernatural"?

As per dictionaries both are synonym then could movie "Paranormal Activities" be named as Supernatural Activities?

How many people think that the Justice System is out of control?

Sorry. I was limited by Yahoo's word counter. So tell me what it is you feel or think when you look upon our Justice System officials. Is it fear? Is it respect or disrespect? Do you feel that they are really out to seek the common good? Do you think that they seek to enforce the law or bring upon dictatorship? Be honest. I'm not a cop.

Odds in blackjack...?

Better heads up or how many people to have the advantage over the house or doesn't it matter? I was thinking it would play out differently depending on how many people were playing... And im talking about playing with a six deck shoe

Installing an agp card....??

Not sure about this certian card, check to see if there is a 4 pin power port located on the end of the card. It might accept one of the power plugs off your power supply like is plugged into your CDROM or Hard drive if you still have IDE drives....

What is the good AGP and Motherboard?

does anyone can advice me if what is the good combined AGP video card and motherboard..i want "HD 3850 AGP" what is the cheapest AGP motherboard can i use with it?..i recommend those have experienced it who can answer this

What kinds of tremolo bridges can i use with my gibson maestro double cutaway?

I've had this guitar for a wile now. and i'm learning to play eruption. but i really need/want a tremolo bar. it currently only has a Wrap-Around bridge. here is a link to a page with other specifications of the guitar. http://www.gibson.com/en-us/Divisions/Maestro/Electrics/Double%20Cutaway/ . i need to know what kind of tremolo bridges i could use to replace the one i have. or if it's even possible with my guitar.

Where can I see the Richard Lester version of Superman II?

I'm a little behind the times. I wanted to see Superman II online after hearing about its plot - mainly, the part about Clark "burning" his hands in the fireplace. But I can only find the Richard Donner version online. It was great, and I watched two of my favorite scenes about five more times before finally closing the window, but I'd like to see the Lester version as well. The problem is, I can't find it, which I find odd seeing as how the Lester version was the original theatrical release of the movie. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

If there aren't modern day prophets. . . ?

Then why would Jesus feel the need to say, "Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Gs are not gathered from thorn bushes, nor figs from thistles, are they?"

Are Uggs permanently ruined once the rain stains them?

I recently ordered a pair of chocolate uggs and I love them! They are so soft and comfortable, but I wore them without getting the Ugg repelent. And sadly I was caught in the rain. The toes of both boots are discolored and I couldn't be more upset. I tried scratching away the dried water and it somewhat helped, but I wish my boots would go back to the perfect way they were! Is there anything I could do to remove this stain? I read about washing the whole boot and then letting it dry, but I'm afraid I will just ruin the boots further. Is there any way to get water stains out of suede leather? Please help me :(

Who Performed 'The Joker' Better, Heath Ledger or Jack Nicholson ?

They both did an amazing job. They were both in two completely different movies so to compare them to eachother is pointless.

Why Muslims believe they are god's chosen people, like Aztecs do or Jewish do, with their own religions?

Buddha teachings are more close to God than other radical political postures that use religion to justify wars and rnational crimes.

Ariel Sharon was about to leave Road Map?

I heard that right before his mive stroke that left him pretty much a vegetable that he was planning to get rid of the Road Map to Peace and create his own. I heard this on Yahoo news but before I could save it or send it to my email there was a problem with my computer and I had to restart. I tried looking for it again but could not find it again anywhere. Is this true and if so where can I find an article about it? Thanks.

Mars as big as the moon?

is it is going to be as big as the moon then will it be as close to the moon as we are and if so why dont they send up astro naughts to be the first ones to walk on mars?

Building my computer?

They are compatible but do yourself a favor and get a quality power supply from a reputable manufacturer such as Seasonic or PC Power & Cooling.

Who should i trade for a RB ?

I'd trade santonio holmes and ryan mathews and try to pick up Jamaal Charles or even Rashard Mendehall. In my opion that would be a decent trade.

Where can i find a free, downloadable version of Chuck Mangione's Children of Sanchez, arranged by Ralph Ford?

I have to find this ASAP for my marching band, and I desperately need help! If anyone can help me, thank you so much!

Obama already less popular than Nixon or Carter? Per Gallup?

Actually, another poll found that his current approval rating is 68%, which is higher than his predecessor's was when his reached his 100-day mark.

MLA title page format?

I'm doing a 2000 word essay and I need to make a title page in the current MLA format (If somethings not right I'll lose marks)

About the atomic mes of some elements?

How does the atomic mes of some elements like fluorine (from the periodic table) is not an average value like that of carbon? How does it have anything to do with the atomic m of the element based on the average m of the stable (nonradioactive) isotopes of the element?

Can i sue for my airbags not deploying?

I wrecked my 2001 Chevrolet Tahoe yesterday by rear ending someone with no brake lights or blinkers going approximately 50-55 mph (she was completely stopped to make a turn on a two lane highway, i never got the chance to hit the brakes.) Both vehicles were totaled and both had substantial damage, however my airbags didn't deploy. Considering the large amount of damage in the front end of my vehicle and the speed i was traveling i am not satisfied that the airbags didn't deploy and feel very fortunate that i managed to keep my head from hitting the steering wheel. This vehicle was purchased off the lot by my family in 2001 and has been in our ownership since, with this being the only wreck. Can i sue chevrolet for the improper airbags?

Friday, November 11, 2011

Windows 64 bit operating systems should i get one?; pros and cons? ?

Well if you are building your own system microsoft has an oem version of windows the only catch is there will be no support from microsoft. Its meant for small shops that build there own computers or build to order PCs. You get your support from the store you got it from but if you know a lot about system building and don't need support I would go with oem you can get Vista Ultimate for around 180.00 at newegg.com. As for if you should get 64 bit OS I would say yes its not going to run any faster but you get a lot more memory addresses allowing you to add more than 3 gig you never know whats around the corner and it is a small difference in price. I know how everyone is down on Vista because its a memory hog and its unstable I have a Vista laptop and a PC I built and the system is rock solid I have had upgraded OSes for years and this is the best microsoft has to offer the layout is much better than XP and if your worried about memory you can always run it to look and act like an XP just like you can change XP to look and act like windows 98.

How does the teacher at my school get away with stuff like this?

I think you should talk to the Admins at your school about this, and obviously if you need more witnesses the parents of the kids you mentioned probably wouldn't mind getting involved.

I'm need some legal help for a father in jail for non pymnt of child sup.in Ind. but paying order in illinois.?

My husband had been stopped for a traffic violation and was taken to jail in illinois for non payment of child support in indiana. His children do live in Indiana now but we didn't even know there was a court order to pay in indiana we have been paying to Illinois under the original order. Now indiana wants 5000 to release him....if we had 5000 we would have paid the back child support along time ago. How can there be two court orders for child support? How do I get my husband out of jail without the 5000?

Best pc configuration?

I have tried many maintenance softwares like Auslogic, Adv Sys Care,Ashampoo,Tune-Up and anti viruses stc like MSE,E-Scan,MBAM,Avira to keep my pc to its optimum. But could not get results. I think, after 6-7 years of use, my system has become old and ineffective. I have finally decided to buy a new one. I do not use gaming except inbui;t card games, but use DVD rom for seeing movies, listening songs etc. Can you suggest me best combination for my needs for motherboard, LCD monitor, RAM, Processor etc?

Epsom Salt used as a stiffening for dollies?

years ago we used hot epsom salt water to stiffen our crochet dollies does anyone know what the proportions were.

I have questions about Sirius radio stations.....?

Ok all you Sirius junkies, I am a new subscriber and need some help. I am looking for the station that will play Goo Goo Dolls, Counting Crows, and Matchbox 20. Also, does anyone know the Stern schedule for replays of his daily show?

If I take soft drinks out of my diet, will I lose weight?

It should definitely help a lot. But you shouldn't wanna go for skin and bones. Since like you say it sounds like average, it's best to leave it as it is and drink once in awhile but not too much

Is one of the good things from Obama's incompetency his failure to appoint federal judges before the midterms?

Your ENEMY is NOT in Iran, Iraq, or Afghanistan. They are your elected officials on Capitol hill in Washington who have proclaimed themselves KINGS. You and I are nothing more than a source of tax money they can throw away on themselves and their friends. Our children are nothing but cannon fodder for their wars so the can keep the DuPonts, the Rockefeller's, and BIG corporations up and running and protected. Wake up America........YOUR A PEON and THEY know there is nothing you can do about it.

What does the 1 mean in the box next to the "thumbs up" icon?

I have 5 answers to my last question, thank you to all, and I can't figure out why 2 of the boxes have a 1 in the thumbs up box and the other 3 have zero. I guess this is Yahoo Tech Ques. I am new to Yahoo answers as you can tell. Thank you.

Calcium carbonate reacts with phosphoric acid to produce calcium phosphate, carbon dioxide, and water.?

Just find out how many moles of 3.57g of Ca3(PO4)2 is. Then use the coefficients in the empirical equation to find out how many moles of phosphoric acid you have. Then convert that value of moles of phosphoric acid to grams.

How to say common Nahutl words?

Im doing a project for school and we have to make a travel booklet for visiting ancient Aztecs. I want to put a section on how to say common words such as "hello" and other words you would need to know to get by back in the 11-15 centuries in Aztec. They're language i'm pretty sure is Nahutl so i need someone to translate some words into that language

Attn: Greco, All the information found are all my family.?

How did you make the connection between Martha Jonas (Jones) and Annie M.Bryant as sisters? I didn't know about Martha Jonas or is it Jones? Annie Marie Bryant was married to Christopher Bryant. There should have been a Lucinda Jones, Catherine Jones, & Jeannette E. Jones also as a sisters. Jeannette is my grt-grdmtr. Their mtr is Mary Jones her birth yr 1816 and death yr 1889. Any info on them?

When you hand wash dishes do you do them perfectly all the time?

i have a a big family (5 adults inlcuding myself) and i am the only one who does dishes so I do about 50 dishes a day (not kidding)..is it normal if 1 or 2 dishes don't come out totally spotless once in awhile..like say 1 dish a day? and i mean maybe there is a little stain from a food on the dish..does it happen to you or am i just a bad dishwasher? plz no comments on how others should help do dishes and stuff i know i know but no one else will do it..so just plz answer my ques.

Can anyone recommend any good pre-teen/teen romance books to me?

Some good books are "Just Listen" by Sarah Dessen, "The Year My Sister Got Lucky" by Aimee Friedman, "Lock & Key" by Sarah Dessen, "Cracked up to Be" by Courtney Summers, "In a Heartbeat" by Loretta Ellsworth, "Something Like Fate" by Susane Colasanti, "Along for the Ride" by Sarah Dessen, and "The Last Song" by Nicholas Sparks.

31 weeks 3 days, woke up to bad pain?

ok so i woke up at about 330 almost 4 am and i was having a kind of sharp pain in my lower abdomen, and i had to go to the bathroom really bad(just pee so it wasn't gas or anything)so i got up and went and the pain went away a little, i went and got back into bed, first slightly on my back but the pain came back stronger, so i turned to my left side and it still hurt, not as bad but still very painfull, so i sat up, and the pain disappeared, so i ended up sleeping in an almost sitting position. any idea what this pain was? this is my first pregnancy, so it scared me a lot, but because the pain went away when i sat up i didn't think it was anything to bad, because ive read that if the pain doesn't go away when changing positions, then i need to call a doctor or something.

No signal monitor....?

I had this pc a while back and one day i went to turn it on and bam no signal.. to the monitor.. so I'm like okay.. Video card went bad of course is the first logic no signal to the monitor.. what gives the monitor signal is the video card.. and I got another video card a 2nd hand video card and i Put it in the AGP slot.. and same problem.. so i'm like 2nd hand maybe it was broken already.. so i went n bought a new one.. but same problem.. so basically.. I dont get a signal to my monitor and is NOT the video card :) the computer does turn on and no beeping sounds after I tried it with my TV instead of the monitor but same problem

Has any plane actually successfully employed emergency procedures you see in safety brochures?

I'm going to be honest here. I fly a lot and while it doesn't bother me, I can't help but feel that the little brochure sitting in front of me is nonsense that provides a false sense of security. If it's going down, there isn't much I (or the cabin crew) can do about it. The Hundson River landing was a rare occasion where the pilot was able to successfully land on water and while he didn't have to employ rafts, etc, I am wondering if there has ever in fact been successful water landings where rafts have been deployed and people actually survived nonetheless had time to put on lifepreservers and exit in some sort of calm fashion. Please shed light on this matter, I'm skeptical.

Verizon Wireless help!?

this is off the charts... who has issues with verizon? i went to check what was up with the bill why it was so high. and they said it was because of me txting so much. i asked them what happened to my unlimited txting and they said it was only for verizon to verizon, and that they don't have unlimited txting to other companys.... (-_-) what is wrong with this company! it's such a rip off. man, somebody tell me what is up with verizon please....

Yearbook ideas please?

Er, a computer theme, the whole thing can look like a Macbook or something and then inside each page is kind of like a popular website but it would have school stuff on it. That's what we did 2 years ago.

Does my sisters have a claim to do this to me ?

Your best option is to counter-sue. Speak to an attorney, giving all the details. Provide any proof possible.

What items are in most cars?

im buying a present for my sister who just got a car. Iwant to think of things to buy her like... trash can, klenexx, sungles? HELPP!!

8. What is the Berlin Wall? Why was it so symbolic when it was torn down?

After World War 2 ended, the Soviet Union held on to eastern Germany & put up a communist government. Germany was divided into East & West. Berlin was the Capital City of Nazi Germany and the Allied countries each had control of their own quarter of the city after Germany surrendered. In order to prevent Eastern Germans to escape (defect if you will) to the west, the Soviet Union built a wall in Berlin. When it was torn down & Germany reunified, it signalled the end of the Cold War & the fall of communism in Eastern Europe.

For people who were home-schooled, what was it like?

Homeschoolers have flexible schedules, so many have jobs and attend college cles while homeschooling. Many are actually more immersed in "real life" than their public school counterparts.

Wow! Is it true that the US is NEVER leaving Afghanistan? What are your thoughts on this?

thats hardly a surprise. It just makes it more annoying when americans try to say they arent an empire, occupying other countries to steal thier resources

Would the court grant my friend a judicial byp in her situation?

She may be able to. Each case is reviewed separate and the only way to be sure is for her to make an appointment with a lawyer and go in and discuss her situation with them. As far as parental consent she only needs one parents consent there so if she can get one parent to sign off that would be easiest. If she calls Planned Parenthood they can give her a pregnancy test to confirm it and then they can help her find a lawyer that works on these types of cases. That would be the best way to go. Planned Parenthood can also help her afterward if she wants to get on some birth control.

Is there any way to determine how much beer is drank in Morgantown, WV?

I heard a statistic that Morgantown, WV is responsible for 2% of Anheuser Bush's alcohol sales and from what I've seen going to school here it seems possible. I've done some research and even tried emailing Anheuser Bush, but they never emailed me back. Anyone have any idea about this?

I am looking for articles containing information on my late sister?

My sister was killed in Jan 1979 in a car wreck Her Name was Paula Rodgers she was 3. Can anyone help me find info about what all happened. Long time ago I found the acctual article but I was young and didn't save it but now I would like to see it and keep it. She was killed in sonoma County Califonia on hwy 101 along with our Aunt Karen Sue Shipman. If you find anything please let me know where to find it I can't get all these memberships at those websites I can't afford all of them. Thanks for the help

Please read the second chapter of my novel...(fantasy)?

I'm sorry hun, I just couldn't make it through it. I found that your sentences were rather choppy and short when they should have been more properly structured and longer.

I am a 15 year old girl and have ual thoughts a lot, is this normal?

ual thoughts are perfectly normal. You should be the one to chose the time of 'doing it' do not let any one pressure you into doing anything you don't want to.

What should my facebook bio be?

im wondering what i should put on my facebook bio like, the thing when u click on "info" and then u write ur bio lol... i need to know what to put for that, aaand the thing under ur profile pic where it says write something about yourself or somethin like that... soo - a little bit about me is... - i love my friends and family, i love my cousin AJ <3 i love music, playing piano, riding on the back of a dirt bike, hoodies, Bob Marley quotes, soccer, softball/baseball, playing manhunt on cold nights with all my friends, reading, taking pictures, my converse, i love animals, harry potter movies, the movie I Am Legend, i love snuggling up with my kittens and watching t.v., im a christian <3 <3 <3, i love to wrestle with my cousin AJ..sorry this is so long, i could go on ffoorrreevverrr but these are just examples lol thaanks, oh and please, dont just write what i wrote lol

Will the Earth really be destroyed on 21st December, 2012? Please read the whole question.?

I hope not. We would miss christmas that year! And by then I would have already gotten everyone presents! And its no excuse if the world doesn't end on the 21st.... on christmas day when no one has any presents from me.. 'Well I thought we were all going to die, sorry!'

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Polaris windows and Alside for siding...are these good companys/brands?

I need new windows and siding. Just got a great priced quote, but am wondering about the quality of the materials used. Polaris windows and Alside for siding...are these good companys/brands?

Snl-halloween offender skit 10-25-08?

i've been looking everywhere and i cant find the video could anyone be kind enough to send me the link please?

Do you think I'm on the right track so far?

As long as you are happy that is all that truly matters, but I definitely think you can make the track team. Good luck!

Need a Way to explain a break up?

Ok, I am in a small college right now and next year I will be going to the 4 year school which is farther away from home, moving up there, and getting a job and probably not going to be home very much as it is the next step in my life and I am moving on. I have been with my boyfriend for two years. We were planning on going together and moving in together and starting our life together. Recently he said that he would not be able to go and we would have to see each other once every couple of weeks. We are both very close, and if we don't see each other for even a couple days we get out of sorts and we each suffer major separation anxiety. We were apart for a week and i ended up in the hospital because i couldn't eat and kept getting sick. I know that we would not be able to last if we were apart like that and I told him that it would be better if I went and I would come back when I was done school and we could pick things up there with the thought that at least then we would be together when I am done school and we could pick things back up and spend the rest of our lives together then, versus me going up there alone and we end up driving each other a way and possibly breaking up over something stupid. I was only trying to look out for the best in our relationship. After much heartache and several breakdowns, we are back to the plan of going up together, but no matter how I try he doesn't understand my reasoning for my decision, and I need to find a way to explain it better. I don't want to pressure him into going up with me, but I know we wont last apart. Can you help find a way to explain it so he can understand it was only because I love him so much that I knew if we separated we would be back together one day. I love him with all my heart, and he is my one and only love. The last thing I wanted to do was to not be with him. I just need help explaining this to him. Thanks!

Need help making muffins...?

I have a recipe to make some muffins but in the ingredients its asking for: 1 1/2 cups - bran, but i don't know what is Bran or where can i get it, can it be substituted with something else?

Inexcusable The book By chris lynch?

a very boring useless book about people that dont want totake responsibilities for their actions. thats the best i can give you

What are the Indy Colt's coaches thinking?

wow, i know what your saying, it all boils down to football has become a lot like politics. follow the money trail. it eats me up as a fan to buy a ticket to watch my team play, show up for the game and watch my team not even try their best to win the game, and as for the receivers it just goes to show that the couch is not always the smartest one on the field. for me to see in those players eyes that they wanted that record and to be denied by one man's decision really made me feel sorry for them. show up to win every game you play, sun, rain, or snow then your playing some football!

Thoughts on this name, please! (:?

Aubree Brielle. The last name would be Poe! I have a couple questions about it. 1) Do you like it/dislike it and why? and how do you like it spelled (Aubree, Aubrey, Aubrie, ect) 2) Do you like the middle name Bella better, Aubree Bella? 3) What are the meanings of these names? 4) Do you like any other middle name for Aubree? I want it to start with a B, please! Thankyou and I will give a best answer for who ever answers all my questions the best! (:

Does it annoy you are on a long flight and a child is being loud?

I don't mind children being loud because after all they are children but i was watching Dr. Phil and he had this guest who was a mother of a young boy and they had been at the airport for 11+ hours and were weary and tired, they finally get on the flight and her little boy is saying goodbye to the airport and everyone around him is laughing and joking, just as relieved to be off also. Than a flight attendant comes up to the mother and tells her to shut the baby up and mother can't believe what she's hearing, she asks jokingly "How am i supposed to do that?" and flight attendant says benidril or something, that med that drugs children to sleep...than they turned the plane around and kicked mother and child off. Do you think that is right?

I need a good thesis statement?

Im writing a compare and contrast paper about the Mayans and Aztecs and i will be talking about the sacrafices, religion, calender... can anyone help me???

Ok what is this guy doing..straightforward answers please?

this guy used to think I was hot...I saw him tonight and he was rude to me..like gave me the cold shoulder. When we were all hanging out he talked about all the girls he wanted to bang. My friend and his girlfriend suggested that we all watch a movie and he acted like he really didint want to. He recently got out of a relationship. I'm a very beautiful girl..so why am I not on the list of girls he wants to get with, and why is he rude to me.

Why do cops get away with murder?

last night there was a small riot in oakland for the brother that got shot in the back at the bart station..he had no weapons + he was handcuffed & the racist cop still shot him in the back..this happened on new years day when this brother was shot..this cop should go to jail & they should put him in with the general population so he can get beat down..here is some footage from last nights riot http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeDjJf02fac

Amy poehler skit from SNL?

That's not SNL, that's "Mad TV." The person playing Dot was Stephanie Weir. I'm sorry, I don't know what episode that was because Dot appeared several times.


lets ignore the fact that there is a thing called Google search. oh but who am i to suggest such preposterous things when the questions are calling upon your knowledge of FACTS, all of which were doented...

How to show a girl you like her?

hi imma 9th grader there is a girl i like but im not sure she likes me we barely of talk to each other but i make her laugh alot i dont want to ask her out cause blah blah blah blah shyness crap etc. well u know so i wnat to show her that i like her and also what do girls like from guys yur opinions will help alot

How to accessorize my new red new years dress?

i will be wearing a tube top cut dress that is above the knee in length. it is tight at the top and kind of goes out at the waist and hip area. it has crystals embrowdered at the chest part and going down the backside. i have short dirty blonde hair however i will be wearing hair extensions new years eve and my hair will be straight. looking for makeup and accessory tips such as jewlery and shoes.

What are some cute dog names?

I am getting a chihuahua puppy. The puppy is this color but a little darker http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://image.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/433915/433915,1282771534,2/stock-photo-brown-chihuahua-puppy-inside-a-red-and-white-santa-hat-59762530.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-59762530/stock-photo-brown-chihuahua-puppy-inside-a-red-and-white-santa-hat.html&usg=__ydNTHvaBNrIVhjQSAkCsStCZi2s=&h=295&w=450&sz=35&hl=en&start=70&sig2=sx6a-8QqoqWeM3QXKdlthg&zoom=1&tbnid=ar8k2X7Z5U3U8M:&tbnh=147&tbnw=216&ei=rh45TZ2nFIiusAPrtcXNAw&prev=/images%3Fq%3DBrown%2Band%2Bred%2Bchihuahua%2Bpuppies%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26hs%3Dih%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26biw%3D1583%26bih%3D635%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C1549&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=141&vpy=300&dur=218&hovh=182&hovw=277&tx=113&ty=119&oei=oh45Tfb1BYbSsAPQ_rCJAw&esq=4&page=4&ndsp=22&ved=1t:429,r:8,s:70&biw=1583&bih=635 Please list multiple cute puppy names THANKS!

I've failed to communicate. So, once again: Doesn't Common Law Exculpate?

well it sucks to be you but the courts cannot make you earn a specific amount unless you were making that amount or more prior the the separation , but a court order is what it is , have fun

Plz help me with virtual XP?

i have a MICROSOFT VIRTUAL PC installed in my pc nd it has inbuilt virtual xp in it bt i'm nt able to run thid application plzz hlp!!!!

Young's double-slit question! physics! pleas help!?

In a Young’s double-slit experiment, a set of parallel slits with a separation of 0.100 mm is illuminated by light having a wavelength of 589 nm and the interference pattern observed on a screen 4.00 m from the slits. (a) What is the difference in path lengths from each of the slits to the screen location of a third-order bright fringe? (b) What is the difference in path lengths from the two slits to the screen location of the third dark fringe away from the center of the pattern?

Different Types of Relationships?

Is it possible for a relationship based on and physical attraction become a real profound emotional relationship?

Jesus warned those deciding to follow him, "First count the cost." Are Evangelicals remiss in omitting this...?

....doctrine in their preaching? Is American Evangelical Christianity teaching an "easy believe-ism" or do you think that, in general, the Gospel is properly presented?

Can you tell me what Chrons disease is? Is it a hereditary diesease? What's the effects of this disease?

Chorns disease is a chronic condition of the intestines. It can be deadly if not properly treated. There are several different forms of it so make sure a specialist is seen over and over and over. The most severe part of the disease is death. A lot of time the patient ends up with a colostomy *spelling* bag because Part of the intestine/rectum must be removed. They will have to carry around this bag attached to their stomach for the rest of their life with their waste. But also alot of patients who get the colostomy do not need it! This is why you MUST see a specialist. Several forms can be treated. I would suggest seeing 3-8 different specialist just to be sure! The colostomy is an over all cure for it but a lot of cases can be cured without having to go through this surgery.

What is the best brand for a beginner roller derby girl?

Really, it depends on how serious you are about continuing with it. Obviously, you don't want to spend a lot of money if you don't stick with it. A good, relatively cheap beginner set would be Riedell Carerra skates or R3s. http://www.sincityskates.com/skates.html A higher end skate would be the Riedell 265s. You'll also want new wheels--as a new skater, I'd recommend Flat-Outs. Helmet - just make sure you get a good skate helmet that fits snug. Pads are what you don't want to skimp on. Triple 8's are ok for beginners, but once you get serious, you'll want to upgrade to 187s. And don't forget a mouthguard! Most come with dental insurance, which is super.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Who played the weird bird thing on SNL?

My wife an I can't remember the name of the weird bird character on SNL (not Will Farrell's Bird Family sketch). The only sketch I can specifically remember involved the bird thing on one of those quarter-rides outside of a department store. There was a dad who wanted his kid to ride it but the bird thing was masturbating on the ride. Are we both going crazy or was this actually a skit? It was probably in the mid-90s sometime.

What do you think? LineUp Week 2?

Start Maclin instead of Collie. Maclin gets a lot of targets for philly and is a more reliable option. Collie had to share targets with too many other players.

Why do so many people in Bangladesh have the surname 'Ali'?

I have to write an article about Bangladesh and when I was searching on the internet for information I found out that a lot of people in Bangladesh have the surname 'Ali'. Now I'm wondering why this is the case. Could someone please answer my question?

I like this akon song "Don't Matter"...except for the dumb cartoon voice?

its not the same tone as R.kelly's ignition...is a lot different. And the version I have doesn't have no cartoon voice...try watching the video on youtube the song is kinda old now

It Really Hurts, Any Tips ?

yuck, some people just have more painful cramps than other people. I know it can be a problem for some women (my friend is on a drug for it actually) Go to your Dr and see if he can prescribe something to make you feel better. In the meantime, take some Ibuprofin get a heating pad and try to relax, I know it's hard but try your best!

How do Carbon and Chlorine react Ionic or Covalent?

Covalent if I remember correctly... Only metals form Ionic reactions, and neither chlorine nor carbon are metals.

Does Sri Lankan pport holder need transit visa to fly through Bahrain?

Hi,I'm a Sri Lankan pport holder with residence permit in Latvia(student shengen visa). I am flying to Sri Lanka via Bahrain. I want to know if i require a transit visa or i don't need any as i only have a transit of 2 hrs and its just a connecting flight. Please be kind to help me out. Thanx

Why does my husband treat me this way?

he treats me like crap i don't understand he always say its my fault he blames everything on me the littles thing i do he exploeds he this is one he ask me to use my car i said because the night before i told him he cheating on he flip out we got to an argument and i said i was going to throw is drugs away and like always he calls me names says he hates hes going to cheat on and wishes he can kill me that he have thoughts on how and if i cry he puts me dowm more. and its my fault we he's mad me basicalliy im supposed to just deal with him spend lke five hundred on weed a month never takes me out never does anything i ask him to what should i do

Song From Karate Kid?

Does anybody now the song from Karate Kid when Ally and Daniel are at the fun park and are playing foosball and jumping on the tramp, then take the pictures.. What's the song in the background?!

Dog in leathal weapon?

what kind of dog does mel gibson have in all the leathal weapons? not the rot. Sam, what kind is he?

BAD CRAMPS ; please help?

I know how you feel- I get horrible cramps that sometimes I can't go to school because I'm so sick and in pain. I'm only thirteen, but I've had my period for three years and I know what works for the worst cramps, because I'm young and a lot of my friends don't have their periods and I don't like to be around them when I have cramps so I have to do something about them. People say that Advil and Motrin are the same, but honestly I think Motrin is better when it comes to cramps. I take two pills every 4-6 hours and it usually works for me. I also like to put a heating pad on my stomach and back for like 5 or ten minutes. Another thing that is like a miracle worker for me is doing certain stretches. One stretch that helps is to lie down on your stomach and then push you upper body up with your arms, almost like your about to touch your feet to your head. Also, if possible before school, try to exercise a little. Maybe do the treadmill or dance or try anything that involves physical activity. At first, trust me, you don't want to do it. But after you feel great, your cramps go away for a couple of hours and with some Motrin, it's like you don't even have your period(: Hope this helps!

How did the Shah maintain good relations with the Arab World?

Mohammad Rezā Pahlavi, Shah of Iran, was the monarch of Iran from September 16, 1941, until his overthrow by the Iranian Revolution on February 11, 1979. He was the second and last monarch of the House of Pahlavi of the Iranian monarchy.

Whats the name of this thai song?

I heard this song in couple of bangkok nightclubs the problem is i don't understands much of the lyrics but i think it has the word Simi Simi. anyone know the name of the song?

Why does Microsoft have to make things VERY COMPLICATED for programmers?

Windows programming probably seems so hard because Linux was made to be so programmer friendly (by programmers for programmers).

Will it be rude to cancel this appointment the same day of?

I have a first time appointment with a psychiatrist tomorrow. His fee for initial consultation is $380. I have been stressing over it for days trying to figure out if I should keep it or not. I think it's a universal unwritten rule that someone should cancel with a 24 hour notice so I don't know if I'd probably be charged even if I cancel it which sucks, but since it's a first time would it be rude to cancel and ask not to be billed? I looked at my bank account and I haven't sent my mortgage yet which will get a late fee if received after the 15th - i can be late on the mortgage if I go tomorrow and not cancel it bec i'm scared to call to cancel with such short notice. What do you think I should do? Plus my therapist referred him so I'm scared it'll make her look bad to have referred someone flakey who cancels last minute (appointment is for 2pm). Any opinions???

How much should i sell this for?

I got an xbox 360 that is like new because my xbox broke 4 times and i got a brand new one Date: June 28, 2008. I have used it for a few hours but not much. It comes with Kamo,madden 09, madden 07,quake 4,blitz the league,viva pinata,halo 3,civil war, and bioshock. It also comes with rock band full kit(mic,drums,guitar) it also comes with guitar hero 3, with guitar, and guitar hero 2. How much you think this is all worth? Only one controller btw, also hard drive (20gb)

My dog is farting all the time lately---why!?!?

I've been reading the articles online that other people have asked this same question, and almost all answers say it's the diet...but I don't get it because she's been on the same diet for a few months now and I've never even noticed this farting thing once, now it's like constant! It smells SO bad. I blamed my boyfriend the first time, but I believed him this time when he said it was the dog cause it was just the deadliest nasty smell ever! Any ideas as to why this may be happening? She's a puppy, 8 months, black lab...we just started spending tons of time outside since winter is over and the snow is gone...might that have anything to do with it? IDK but it's got to stop!!!!

What is a "near drowning" incident?

Our 12 month old granddaughter crawled and took a header face first into a pool and as doing so was immediately lifted out, crying in fright but no choking or gasping for breath. I am concerned about "dry drowning" and keep reading about "a near drowning" incident. She has exhibited none of the symptoms mentioned, but the whole idea scares the bejeesus out of me. Was this a "near drowning" incident?

If one person had too much work to do..?

..and asked ninetynine other people to do it. Even if the work was only laborious algorithms or proofreading programs, would a small industry, costing three thousand pound a week in labour, be a viable venture if only to secure the computer files and data from corruption.

Suppose a sample size n=2 drawn from the population consisting of 1,2,2,4,8 and the proportion of the sample?

values that are greater than 3 is recorded. Find the sampling distribution of this statistic by listing all possible such samples. Find the mean and variance of the sampling distribution and use selected output from R, using tables and other summaries to display the results

Slow Cooker on all night?

Can you keep it on all night if it's on low? I made chili but it needs to be in the crock pot and I wanna go to bed. I know if it's on high it'll burn the chili (so I heard) but what about low?

Which are the top 3 (lab, curriculum etc) educational institutions for Biotechnology in India?

Do any of the biotechnology education institutions have affiliations with foreign universities and does that improve their enrollments? Also what is the typical fee for a biotechnology course per student?

Fantasy football Running back help please?

I have Ricky williams, Who im pretty sure im going to start versus the Titans this week because the dolphins are fighting for the playoffs, Then i am wavering between Adrian Peterson of the Vikings and Cedric Benson of the Bengals, (I am leaning more towards Adrian Peterson because they are playing 5-8 Carolina but i am afraid that the vikings will rest their players against such an easy team) Then you have cedric benson who hasnt been so hot since his injury and is playing The san diego chargers who will give them a challenge. Suggestions on which two to start? please explain

Detective conan where fingerprints of conan where findout by a member of the blackorganization?

there is a part where i think the clay fish conan made is lost and the one that shinichi wears in his head in episode 191 to 193 is also lost bec. someone steal it...hope u can ans. my question...:)

Easy question answer!!!!!!!!!?

What did the Nazi party Adolf Hitlers Party in Germany failed to do or obey. Thanx every one for answering!!!!!!

Tendonitis, help anyone?

I conntinuously have the felling of a pebble in my shoe, not good but the pebble is not in my shoe it is in my foot the doctor said it was a knot of tendon and to rest and it would go away it does but it keeps flaring up and I am always having paine when I walk does anyone know if there is a way togt rid of this

Knowing with Nick Cage?

The fact is in the film itself, aliens came and chose those kids to restart a new race on another planet, which we saw resembled the garden of eden. And yes when the aliens flew away they resembled angels, The fact is that in the film it was aliens and another planet, but yes the directors clearly wanted this to symbolise angels and Eden, but decided not to, probably because it would have felt like a bit of a rip off, and maybe too overly religious for every viewers liking.

Which statement true about long term liabilities?

The answer is : long term liabilities include bonds, post -retirement benefits and deferred income taxes. Anything with a time span of over a year is long term, short term liabilities will be satisfied within a year.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Where is the cheapest place to purchase college textbooks and supplies FAST?

I need to know because my loan isn't processed yet and I need to still purchase books but want to watch my spending as well as gettign them shipped fast bc my instructors are already using them on the second day of cles. Damn Stafford Loan processing takes forever when it's yoru first time having to borrow! Maybe it's just the crazy school I am attending here in Atlanta! GEEZ!

Constructive criticism for my poem?

I like the way you introduce colors in between words, marking a note of symbolism to your poem.Green, white, ash (black), immaculate create a vivid image, and ociated in unusual context creates a mysterious, drawing air.

If a guy is really hungry, is it wrong to eat a hot dog during the game?

a href="http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/blog/shutdown_corner/post/Oakland-hot-dogs-get-a-big-time-endorsement-from?urn=nfl,198197"http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/blog/shutdow…/a

R&P: These are the bands I like, what others should I listen to?

Well if you like Velvet Revolver, then Stone Temple Pilots. Besides that id say Tool, Rage Against the Machine, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Led Zeppelin, Extreme, Kings X, Collective Soul, Incubus, haha i should probably stop

Is GeForce 5950 FX Ultra compatible to my Computer?

Yes, I compared reviews and specifications of your current card with the 5950 on cnet.com and according to what those stated it should be compatible.

When did Saddam Hussein ever say that he would use nuclear weapons against the U.S.?

When your sitting on a huge puddle of oil, I guess the message is, "you better make nice." The whole experience may have merely been an expensive lesson in global resource management. Crazy talk and any desire to develop nukes will not be tolerated. There's really no stopping the odd terrorist but state sponsorship of them may become too great a risk.

I am a cutter w/ suicidle tendancies and have tried everything, I've run out of options any suggestions?

I have tried psychotherapy, psychiatric medications, inpatient and out patient treatment, and dialectical behavioral therapy, I am diagnosed with clinical depression, suicidle tendancies, self-injury not otherwise specified, and post traumatic stress disorder, I used to struggle with anorexia and bulimia, and I have a dissasociative disorder not otherwise specified. I have also tried accupunture, yoga, meditation, hypnosis, and well thats about it. I am terrified that if something doesn't happen and soon I am going to end up another suicide statistic. I am only 22yrs, but have been fighting cutting and suicidle thoughts since I was 11yrs. ANY suggestions, I don't care how crazy, would be appriciated. I just can't shake this sense of impending doom, and the psychologists have pretty much written me off as a "lost cause" PLEASE HELP

When you see meet your baby?

I am in a realtionship with a guy that I am starting to think does'nt want to have a baby. I really do and I now know that I may have to leave him to do this , I will miss him so much and I will be heart broken . If I do have a baby do you think that when I see my child an have my own child that this will make this heartache easier to deal with? I know I posted this in the wrong section but I did want the advice of some women who have had baby already. Thanks for your help

Facebook knowledge needed?

i want the dan brown lost symbol countdown widget how do i make a permanent thing instesd of the recant news

Illegal Dietary Supplements?

their are illegal muscle building supplements (Steroids) are their any Illegal Dietary Supplements, that are like steroids, you know, dangerous illegal, VERY EFFECTIVE, you know something that is EXTREMELY strong and really works?

Anybody got any ideas?

Hey! You should just talk to him more and get his number! Or you can see him more often make it obviouse that you like him so he knows you like him back! I had this one time and i tried to make sure i didn't like him and it ended up in a mess just make sure he knows you like him and everything will be fine trust me! I think that you should just go for it and dont listin to what everyone else says it problably all wrong.

Which player gave Gabriela Sabatini the most trouble?

I would have to go with Steffi Graf, although Sabatini did beat her to win her one and only grand slam at the 1990 U.S. Open. Mary Joe Fernandez also gave her a lot of trouble though too, but I would say Steffi was her biggest rival.

Replacing a pc power supply- does it have to be exactly the same?

I need to replace the power supply on my PC. It is a 400 watt ATX. I can find 400 watt replacements, but the Amps are different (on the table on the side of the power supply). Example: +3.3V with 15.0 A below on the old one and + 3.3V with 30 A below on the new one. Does this matter? Or will this damage something?

Scarlet letter clarication?

In the story was governor Bellingham alluding to John Winthrop or they both different charcthers in the story.

Are supermarkets evil?

The advent of chain stores and supermarkets have changed our high streets. Gone/ going are the small independent stores. Does anyone really care? (Especially if you are under 25)

I was wondering if their is anyway to reverse a Chapter 15 discharge that you lied to get?

I lied to get a chapter 15 discharge because I was getting harred and hazed by the platoon and no action was being taken to prevent it from happening. I am in no way other then heteroual. Im married etc. Just curious if there is any way to reerse the discharge as I feel horrible about not fuffilling my obligation. any help is appreciated, and yes I know it is probably a lost cause.

If you have equal ion concentrations how do you know which is greater than the other?

The precipitate is silver phosphate. The sodium and nitrate ions are spectator ions. The phosphate ion concentration is small because it is precipitated with the silver. The original sodium ion concentration is larger than the nitrate ion concentration.

New Macbook or PC for Engineering?

I will be going away to college next year and am considering buying anew laptop or small tower computer for my tech needs. I'm definitely now computer illiterate so feel free to use words that a "nerdy" type would understand. I know that macbooks tend to outlive their expected lifetime, and they are fast machines, no argument there. A PC is mainstream, but not necessarily fast, or easy to use, and when i say easy, i mean "less frustrating", to use. I understand that Windows can be dual booted through bootcamp on a macbook. Now, thae question is...I'm going to be an engineering major. eventually using sutocad in the future and such. Shoule i get one of the new aluminum unibody macbook and "bootcamp" windows? or get a PC laptop? or a small sized tower? ALL ANSWERS ACCEPTABLE, I LIKE LOTS OF DETAILS :) - THNX!!!

Accounting HELP.......... PLEASE?

Sounds like a question out of a text book. There should be an example somewhere in that Accounting book that shows a completed Income Statement. Just follow that example, putting like items from your example in the place of the ones that are in the example. When your done with this, subtract the expense from the revenue to determine Income or Loss. For the part 2, take a close look you Income Statement and try to determine the Proprietor's withdrawals (remember he made an Investment into the business).

What is the current in the coil with a resistance of 4 Ohms and 120 volts?

Well I can answer your first question. According to Ohm's Law V =I*R, where for the current, which is I is equal to I = V (voltage)/ R (resistance).

Is the following a predicate?

A predicate is a verb or verb phrase. The being verb is "is" with "taller" being something called the predicate adjective.

Why do we still have a monarchy?

I agree. Monarchy is outdated. They serve no purpose anymore, except cost the taxpayers millions, when those same taxpayers are struggling to put food on their tables and paying their mortgages. Royals are nothing but parasites on society. Now if they still marched ahead of their troops into wars, like they did back in the olden days, that would be a different thing altogether. But if they still did that, there would be fewer wars. Can you imagine QEII, with Corgis and Ladies-in-waiting in tow, leading her troops into Afganistan? I think not.

Did elton play candle in the wind at the concert??

No Elton didn't sing Candle In The Wind. When he last performed it he stated that he wouldnt ever sing it again. This concert was a celebration of her life and all songs were up-lifting and joyful. If he sang that song it would bring the mood down. From what I saw of the concert it was very well done. Well done to the Princes'.

Can Platonic friends become more?

I've had a great friendship with a woman I met about 3 years ago. When we met she was in a long-term relationship and I'm not the kind to break up a relationship for my own needs. There are too many people out there to be that way. Anyway, she is single and over her ex and I find myself thinking about her in "that" way. We are great friends but I can't stop thinking that we'd be a great couple as well. I don't want to lose her friendship. What now?

Can you solve this biology?

jenna married a brown-eyed man named Cuthbert, and they had two children with dark hair and blue eyes, two with light hair and brown eyes and one each with dark hair and and brown eyes,and light hair and blue eyes. jenna's identical twin, Doubles,and her husband,Elmsford, had four dark haired, blue eyed children,two dark haired and brown eyed,and one each of light haired,brown eyed and one each of light haired , brown eyed and light haired,blue eyed. find the probable genotypes of all four parents.

Morning ladies... so who is after a Xmas bfp?

Hi honey, I hope and pray you get your BFP in time for christmas. Couldnt think of better christmas present. Yes i am hoping for one as well. AF the bit** is due 12/10, lol. I hope she takes a nice long 9 month vacation from all of us. Good luck and lots of dust to you sweetie.

Any way to SIMPLY get free printable grocery coupons without joining a club, giving all your personal info?

Go to the website for your local major grocery store. You just put in your zipcode and they'll have lots of coupons to print out for your local area.....

Is there any connection between the heater and the humidifier with regards to electric consumption?

I recently turned off the humidifier for the house because i thought this would help lower my electric bill but somehow it did the reverse as my bill almost doubled! Is there a connection between the heater? I mean is it more energy conserving for the two to be working together at the same time?from 2716 kwh last month it shot up to 4443kwh. Or could there be an error in the reading?I live in a 3 level townhouse and my house isn't even fully furnished yet...Just the basic appliances.....

Monday, November 7, 2011

Horrible stretch marks!?

I'm 15 and I have TERRIBLE stretch marks on my stomach and waist. I'm so self conscious about it, you have no idea. Like I love the beach, but I haven't swam in like 3 years because I'm that embarred of them. What can I do to make them fade faster? They used to be REALLY red, but it has gone down a little bit but you can still see it from far away. I've only used palmers cocoa er, but that did nothing. What else could I use? Does bio oil work? Would a doctor or dermatologist help me if I went to them?

Eastenders: How are Bianca and Pat related?

Whilst Bianca is the daughter of Pat's son, making Bianca Pat's granddaughter, there is another route by which Bianca and Pat are related. This is complicated, so bear with me. Pat used to be married to Frank Butcher, played by the late Mike Reid, who was Ricky Butcher's dad. Ricky used to be married to Bianca. So Ricky was Pat's stepson, making Bianca Pat's step daughter-in-law. Confused? I am!

Spiritually wondering, is it ironic that all the best loved clic Christmas songs were all written by Jews?

Seriously, all the most popular Christmas music was written by people of the Jewish persuasion: Mel Torme, Irving Berlin, Sammy Cahn and Jule Styne to name but a few...

Do I have legal rights to the vehicle??

Ok, I live in Texas, and my boyfriend of 7 years is leaving me and our 1 year old son. We have lived together for seven years and share the same bank account. Three years ago he bought a car for me in his name, I am not a co-signer. The payments have come from our joint bank account where both my and his paycheck is deposited. Now, whenever he wants to be evil, he takes the car away from me...won't let me use it to get to work, nothing. He says I have no rights to the car, that it is only his. I completely depend on this car for my and my son's wellbeing. Do I really not have any sort of rights to this vehicle????

Major upset in the works...If Pelosi loses to Cindy Sheehan, who would be the new Speaker of the House?

Much as I think Sheehan is a complete loon, I doubt she could do any worse a job than Pelosi. She would probably be more entertaining though. As for a replacement, one would hope they would learn their lesson and put forward a more moderate choice for speaker, but since they apparently have not learned anything from the last 2 Presidential elections, I seriously doubt it.

Should i stay in a less relationship?

you need to dump him and get yourself a real man. Somebody who would loving and affectionet and somebody who will actually give you like you need

NEED SERIOUS HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

well homcomings cme up in a week and i like this guy(for secruity well say johnny) and i think he likes me cuz hes always lookin at me and when i turn to look at him he turns away like hes embarrased then well i asked mii guy fren to escort me but now mii escort told every one i asked him out lik bf and gf when i tld hym we were onli going as friends and we even shook on int and everything and i think that johnny found out so during world geo(geography) i heard him and his friend tlkin they were like you should have asked her out you missed your chance because eveyday i see him with his friends and when i walk by they try and make him come towards me or theyll point at me andd now he just stares sometimes and i dont want him to t hink im off the market but do u think he still likes me or no he doesnt look at me as much anymore or anything do u think he thinks im taken?

BlackBerry 8703e - can I snyc my laptop with Outlook 2003/2007 with my BB?

Sure, I do it all the time. However, you should only sync with one machine. Syncing with multiple machines can cause duplicate items and after a while will be really unmanageable.

Need advise so worried about my 7 week old?

It could well be colic, you need to look out for if your daughter when crying is pulling her legs up to her chest. (As if scrunching up). This is a sign of colic but i think you need help from a doctor if nothing is helping or if you think it is something else, i would deffenatley go to the doctors if she seems in discomfort.

My periods suddenly stopped?

I am 33, married, ually active, last month I had periods but bleeding was very less, on first day it was ok but after that just blood spots for the next 4 days and this month nothing yet. Is it menopause or what? At what age menopause starts?

Gwen stefani song?

I think that's Underneath It All, It's No Doubt song off of the Rock Steady album, if it's the song I'm thinking of.

3 year old granddaughter holds food in her mouth for hrs after meals?

I've heard of kids doing that. It's just their way of saving it for later. All you can do is get her to open up when she's done at the table. Inspect her mouth for any food. If she still has some tell her she can't leave the table to play until ALL the food is gone!

What would you do about this? Cyberbullying?

The only thing you can do is right now is too make a police report. They will get her Facebook back and find out the people who are bullying her. STOP THIS CAUSE!!!!!!!!! you might think making a police report is to scary, or intense but trust me this is only thing to do right now. Don't forget tell your parents!!!.... Tell them that your did make a police report they will get to your house if you post anything.

Doesn't this make you think at the deceased Eddie Guerrero in a different light?

Looking at Benoit now compared to Eddie just makes me shake my head in disgust too. At least Eddie tried to be clean and used god to make a better life for his family. I have TONS of respect for Eddie and NONE for Benoit.

Please rate my hg pokemon teams for the battle frontier?

well first get a few basic pokemon like a fire type and gr and water a basic team also a thunder poke mon and physic pokemon like drowzee or a kadabra evloved but in the battle frontier the dragonite should be used in certain ones but when you only get to chose three make a team of water,fire ,and gr pokemon a basic team like a blastoise or charizard or venusore and the team looks great

Help with my standardbred jumping?

i have a 15.1hh 9 yo standardbred gelding, he was late broken in (when he was 6) as i bought him off my uncle. Up until about 15 months ago he had progressed so much (schooling was fab & was jumping 1.30m). As i was busy with school work etc i my friend who had my 14.2hh showjump pony on loan was riding him for me (i was always there to watch her ride him) we didn't realise he completely changed shaped & as his saddle is a made to measure saddle it didn't fit. I broke my collarbone (after him taking off with me & getting flung into his stable door) & couldn't ride for a while so as i wasn't riding him we got him re-measured & saddle sorted, when i took him back into work it all went down hill from there. He was ridden on a snaffle & now has to be ridden on a pelham (i have very light hands) but as it severe he throws his head up & paces, but any less severe bit he rears & bolts (we have had him checked in every way possible and he's fine). He is finally starting to respond nicely in the arena if i warm him up on a hack first (he is great hacking) but when we jump he either gallops to the jump/pole & stops on landing, or paces to the jump/pole & turns tightly & stops, i have put other people on him to see if it is my riding but he wont even trot without throwing people into fences etc, i just want him to be back to normal and i couldn't dare part with him because he has been in the family since he was born. On the ground & hacking he is an angel.

If the ordinary seasonal FLU kills 500,000 people around the world/per year,isn't Swine Flu overrated ?

No life threatening communicable disease that we have the ability to mitigate is overrated by stepping up to fight it. How does this kind of thinking get in people's heads?

Would it be dumb to sell my '01 Lincoln Continental for a '94 Jaguar XJ12?

I say trade your Lincoln for the Jag and make sure their are not any electrical issues with the car. There are many sources that say 1990's era Jags have terrible electrical problems, I'm not sure if this is for one particular model or the entire lineup, do your homework and find out.

Shelton Benjamin: Underrated or Content?

I don't think he is underrated, I just think Vince could have given him more of a push now. They could have a good feud with MVP they dropped that, they started something with Gregory Helms, dropped that. I mean he only defended his championship what five times? For how long he held it it should have been more than that at least. Although you wouldn't think about it he is also pretty , he has been in the MITB ladder match I think every year except last year, and all of those matches have had spectacular moves from him, I think he has a lot of charisma just the characters the WWE give him don't let him express it. He is a great wrestler he is O.K. on the mic, and is awesome with ladders. What more can you ask for? He should at least get some type of push for how much he has given to the company, maybe he could actually win one of those MITB matches and cash it in, It would be nice to see some another heel champ other then Edge and Orton, don't get me wrong I love them, but it would be nice to get a taste of something new. Maybe the WWE isn't working out for him, he could dip his feet in to the waters of TNA. He would be awesome in the X-Division.

In the lego advent calender... ?

in the lego advent calender do you start on the window that says 1 because the first day of December or the 24 as a countdown because my son wont open it until he knows what window to start on

Feel Awkward About New Job?

So, I'm 21, and my parents wanted me to get a job. My mom works at a elementary school as a noon hour supervisor watching kids at lunch and recess, and suggested that i apply. I applied, and i got called back. I said i would come up to fill out some final paper, but i don't even like kids, or people that much. I don't hate kids, but i just don't know much about them. I lm the type of guy who goes out to nightclubs drinking, and listens to rap music. Most of the people that work there are in their late 40s or older, and i'm would be the youngest person there. It just feels awkward that i would be in the authoritative position, when my personality is more of a rebel type. I think I'm going to go up there, and take the job. But it's gonna be weird...Any advise...

Does smooth away work?

Not really. It only woks the fist time you use it goes the pad doesn't stay that ruff kind of texture and you gotta change it every time you use it. To me it was a waste of money.

The Antichrist is according to the...?

I would imagine that he will be a quite attractive man as he is going to want people to follow his leadership by any form possible, funny thing is the Bible says Jesus was a comely (common looking and not very attractive) man (despite modern depictions) therefore it stands to reason even more that the Antichrist will be an attractive man. In my understanding (according to the Bible,) the Antichrist will be Satan himself claiming to be God reincarnate. He will take the throne of the temple (as yet not built) in Israel and he will be able to heal the sick and rain fires from the heavens and if you do not follow his plan he will torture and or kill you. It is my opinion that he will use every tool possible to tempt people to him including lust.

What hypothesis is this scientist trying to prove......?

The scientist is trying to prove that CO2 may not be the only molecule effecting the growth of the shell building organisms. Furthermore if his experiment decreases the growth of the organisms it could prove to be a PH problem in the water and not just due to Carbon Dioxide.

Please answer these question for me! I need it fast!?

4. Because the radioactive half-life of a given radioisotope is not affected by temperature, physical or chemical state, or any other influence of the environment outside the nucleus save direct particle interactions with the nucleus, then radioactive samples continue to decay at a predictable rate. That is, any radioactive nucleus acts as a clock. If determinations or reasonable estimates of the original composition of a radioactive sample can be made, then the amounts of the radioisotopes present can provide a measurement of the time elapsed.

I Like Her So Much It Hurts?

i feel ya bro just ask her if she wants ta go to a movie sometime or hang out at the mall and take it from there, if she dont wanna stop thinkin bout her and that hurting wiill go away

Sunday, November 6, 2011

How to get over betrayal?

it is almost one year since i found my partner cheating on me. still iam not able to accept it completely or get over it. i have sleepless nights thinking over the whole thing that happened and have a good cry almost every night. can somebody suggest me how to get over it

WHICH PC IS BETTER...plz suggest which is better for office usage?

intel for sure, amd ALWAYS runs hotter meaning your fans will be constantly at full speed. The i5 processor has a special feature that distributes all the power to whatever you need. Like if youre gaming it gives all the speed to video and sound. The i5 is also runssss super coooolllll, you wont even hear your pc turn on when you do. For sure the i5, i know the amd is cheaper in price but dont get it! you will regret it

Somewhere in the line of accession to the UK monarchy?

Prince Philip exists. Who follows him? It is usually their son or daughter, but all of these have preceded him to the throne by a long long way. So who follows Philip? I imagine he is in the range 400 to 500 (?)

Ethnicity race question?

im american slovak \ nordic \ pheonician ( north africa)= people think im from russia, but i noticed i look very similar to iraqis when im tanned, i have same face structures,body, eye structure. Does russia have the same mix as me and that why people think im russian? are iraqis part slavik \ nordic as well ? ( i dont know if my first post worked so trying again ) thank you

A clip of a story I wrote. What do you think? how bad does it suck? :)?

Its really good. I'd be interested in reading the whole thing : ) Tell me when you finish it; I'm hooked.

Question about Small Schooling Fish (tetra/danio)?

I just set up a new tank 4 days ago. I've added one fish per day like the store clerk told me. Now i have one black skirted tetra, one zebra danio, and one clown loach. Tonight they are very active and chasing each other around. The danio seems to be the one doing most of the chasing. Should i get a couple more danio so he has some fish to school with? Will different species of small fish school together, like if i had couple of different tetras and danios? And my last question... are they being mean to the loach (i didn't know he schooled, i thought he live on the bottom.. he seems to be running..)? Sigh. This is hard work.

Would there be any problem mixing these chemicals?

Both are readily "safe", but out of the two, the formalin should be less reactive in any case. I use this in my Entomology cl on a regular basis.

Halloween Costume 2009 Michael Jackson or Joker?

With the deaths of Michael Jackson and Heath Ledger 2 of the most popular halloween costumes of 2009 are Michael Jackson and the Joker from The Dark Night. What one do you prefer?

Please help, have I actually turned gay?

The technical term is " Auto Fellatio " but people call it " Selfsucking " It's one way of masturbation. It doesn't make you gay that you like it. And you don't have to be all gay, be biual. It sounds like your brain loves girls but your heart loves guys. There is nothing wrong with being gay.

Being ditched and it hurt so bad?

I had the same thing happen with a 'friend' start of this, she said she was coming to my new years party but then i saw photos of her on fb at a club on new years...Her lame excuse was "everything's been stressful with my grandmother's visit and all"...doesn't even make sense right? The thing is, if you want this friendship to continue you're gonna hafta talk to her about it...just casually slip into "So how was Sunday with so and so? Did you get up to much" If she doesn't bring up the fact that she left you out and that she's sorry (like actually sorry not some bullsh*t excuse like said above) then she isn't worth keeping...

Company borrowed $750,000 from U.S. Bank on January 1, 2009 in order to expand its mining capabilities. The fi?

Company borrowed $750,000 from U.S. Bank on January 1, 2009 in order to expand its mining capabilities. The five-year note required annual payments of $195,327 and carried an annual interest rate of 9.5%. What is the balance in the notes payable account at December 31, 2010?

Why do Young Earth Creationists deplore"evolution is based upon chance"& do they deny quantum physics likewise?

The whole concept of revolution is flawed. God clearly created this world and all that is in it including me and you with his own hands. God does uses chance in laws for the universe...he died on the cross, and shed his precious blood so that we might have a CHANCE at eternal life instead if eternal damnation.

Why do i feel like deppressed when i win something or win a compettition??

Last week i entered a sparring competition (kickboxing) and won my fight and for the rest of the week i kind of just felt..deppressed i suppose. (did that actually make any sense)

Rate the following Elimination Chamber matches from their respective eras and predict winners?

I'd rate all of them five star except for the PG Era and the Future. They don't seem as good I'm afraid. Do you think the Armageddon Hell in a Cell match at the 2000 Armageddon pay-per-view would've been as good if it was an Elimination Chamber match?

My puppy eats stones and gr every time we take her in the garden?

our puppy is a very playful little monkey and we have just started taking the puppy into the garden so she can run around and play ball with me which she love even brings the ball back to me. but if im not playing with her ie hanging washing or sitting down, she will eat gr (she is never sick) or small stones. she eat normally and drinks fine, she doesnt really chew my house or other things and she really enjoys chewing her toys. if i try to take the pebbles or gr she will become a bit growly and bark at me. i have been told this might be a sign off something really bad help ....

I inhalled methanol! Please help!?

I inhale a small amount of methanol. It was about 2,5 mL of Methanol i spiled out of digestor (in the sink while water flew) and I inhaled some of it. In the moment I sensed I inhaled I ran out. I inhaled ethanol vapors and took some alkoholic drink about half an hour later, and I took two gles of milk. I went to ER and they gave me oxigen. My blood pressure was ok, and EKG show only sinus tachikadia which I have for some long period. But still I`m really panic, could someone tell me do I have the reason for panic. Mostly I consern my vision, maybe it is due to panic but it seams somehow blur. So please tell me am I just panic or it is something serious?

Please help me come up with a thesis on abortion and civil disobedience?

I am pro-life and am working on an essay that proves my argument having to do with civil disobedience. I'm really hoping I can get some ideas for a good synthesis, but am having problems coming up with a good one. I really appreciate any input for a thesis, thank you.

Who else thinks that WWE made a mockery of ECW?

I mean, way back when, it was ALL extreme, ALL the time. Now Extreme Rules Matches are not even available on TV. They made it an hour and filled it with jobbers, lower mid-carders, and mid-carders. WWE made a mockery of what "E"CW is. It's not even Extreme nor does it have many Championships. They should get the "E" and "C" out.